- Complimentary early check in and checkout subject to availability.
- Room rates are based on bed and breakfast only.
- Dinners
- Access to Pool
- Parking
- Special discounts
- Free Wifi
All these, come together with an amazing discount prices…
Book a room for day time stay for 2 from 10:00am to 5:00pm and pay KES 5,000 ONLY! Offer includes access to the infinity pool.
Residents Accommodation Rates 2023
F/B 2 pax in double room – KES 24,000
H/B 2 pax in double room – KES 21,000
B/B 2 pax in double room – KES 18,000
Non-Resident rates:
F/B 2 pax in double room – KES 28,000
H/B 2 pax in double room – KES 24,000
B/B 2 pax in double room – KES 20,000
Book a room for day time stay for 2 from 10:00am to 5:00pm and pay KES 5,000 ONLY! Offer includes access to the infinity pool.
Residents Accommodation Rates 2023
F/B 2 pax in double room – KES 18,000
H/B 2 pax in double room – KES 15,000
B/B 2 pax in double room – KES 12,000
Non-Resident rates:
F/B 2 pax in double room – KES 24,000
H/B 2 pax in double room – KES 20,000
B/B 2 pax in double room – KES 16,000
Dinner Offers
Delectable private dinners on weekends prepared by a team of highly skilled chefs with meals carefully selected from disparate popular items on our menu list.
- Enjoy a 3 course meal, free wifi and swimming at KES 1,950 for adults and half price for kids under 11 years eveyday at our restaurant.
NB: Inclusive free swimming, Free soft drink, free wifi.
Special Events
Stay updated on latest events and upcoming time conscious offers, Easter, New year, Public holidays